The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4103546
Posted By: Jon Freeman
26-Apr-21 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
I had to attend a hospital appointment in Norwich on Friday. The Plastics consultant is happy with things and said my next appointment with him will be in 12 months time.

I’ve removed some spent compost from the greenhouse tubs and replaced with fresh stuff. I need a bit more compost to finish off and have 6 bags due to be delivered today (I only need one but it’s more economical buying this way from the local nursery). The greenhouse plants are looking good and I’ll be in good time for my target of May 1st for planting out.

My first set of leek plants have come and I’ll plant them some time this week. I’ve just had an email saying my Swiss chard plants are due 10th May. I’ve got more leeks, a club root resistant brassica collection and climbing French beans on order with the company supplying the chard to come as and when.

I’ve got some lettuce seeds to plant and need to sort out out the area where they will be grown.

I’m not sure how the year will go but, so far, overall, I think we are off to the best start we’ve had in the past 4 or 5 with garden. Maybe I’ll have to consider doing a bit more of digging and/or take on something else that’s not in my area now though…

The thing is I spent a lot more time outside the garden last year that I’d done before. Some of the motivation was that I was getting on edge each time the phone rang (is it going to be like the anaemia thing where a blood test led them to phone me up to want me to attend a clinic and a transfusion the next day, or something to do with the proposed operation, etc. I suppose loads of people handle these things and more but I can get quite worked up over things medical) but I also thoroughly enjoyed my pottering around. A lot of the hours (at my slow pace) were spent cutting back/clearing/reclaiming bits but of course, now that’s done, there is only the little bits of maintenance needed.

On other things, I should have another play with the 3d printer next month as I want to make another “football” for a brother’s birthday. It’s probably been over a month since I last looked at that. One part of that is I’ve run out of ideas but another for some is financial. I’ll use the RC “traction engine” as an example. First there was the filaments, then I (already having a suitable transmitter), needed an RC receiver, then it involved 2 motors plus a servo motor for the steering, then bits needed to go between a receiver and a motor and then fasteners… before you know it, you’ve run away with your budget…