The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169358   Message #4104560
Posted By: Helen
03-May-21 - 05:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
Subject: RE: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
Hi Mrrzy,

Weight loss can plateau. Sometimes you can kickstart it again, but sometimes it's almost like the body's sense of its own "ideal weight". A BMI of 25 is not bad.

I read somewhere that the BMI calculation was invented by an insurance company statistician who was looking for a way to decide who was a good insurance risk, from a financial viewpoint. He did a comparison on obesity rates and age at death. It wasn't invented by medical experts, so it isn't the only measure of your health that you can use.

In other words, don't place too much pressure on yourself based on BMI. Look at the bigger picture.