The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169358   Message #4104862
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
05-May-21 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
Subject: RE: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
I mentioned Atkins as one that seems unhealthy, but obviously there are interpretations to consider.

If I were to name a target "diet" it would be the Mediterranean diet (which isn't actually a think like a book is it?). The types of foods from that region. My favorite cookbooks is a Middle East compendium that covers a lot of the dishes I consider from that region. Hummus, falafel, babaghanouj, etc. Since my garden in this region of Texas is especially good at growing Mediterranean-type crops, I'm set.

All of this is coming at me at once; the physical exam and blood work that revealed the hypothyroid was the one to approve cataract surgery. I'm hoping by the end of May to have a clearer brain and clear vision. I'm going for one standard Medicare lens (that eye doesn't need correction otherwise) and one of the higher-end ones to correct the astigmatism. Those, along with my knee replacement a year ago and I tell people I'm entering my "Bionic Phase." ;-) I won't be able to do any lifting for a week after each eye, but I struggled mightily to put the garden in ahead of all of this so it can grow while I watch from the driveway.

One of my crops is okra, and while I can't say I enjoy it in all of it's forms, that's because I didn't grow up down here where it grows so well. But I'm eating more of it each year. I have figured out that to pickle the extras is a great way to make the neighbors happy (gifting jars of the pickles). They're a healthy snack.