The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169358   Message #4104913
Posted By: Helen
05-May-21 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
Subject: RE: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
Yay, Mrrzy! Milestones reached!

And Maggie, the Middle Eastern "diet" is my favourite food. I love all the ME foods you mentioned - but not okra, mainly because I ate it once about 40 years ago and I wasn't impressed.

My favourite ME cookbook is by Claudia Roden. I bought it in the '80's or early '90's and had to buy a replacement copy because I had worn the old one out. I love it.

And Yay! for your cataract operations. I had mine a few years ago and it was fantastic.