The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164095   Message #4105366
Posted By: Senoufou
09-May-21 - 04:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mad Swans, blue tits, and others
Subject: RE: BS: Mad Swans, blue tits, and others
I like Canada geese very much keberoxu. Pretty creatures. Goslings and cygnets will follow their parents on the roads even though the little ones can't fly. You must have felt concerned I'm sure.
I learned yesterday from my neighbour-across-the-road that a lady who runs the caravan park near the Mad Swans' lake has erected a low wire fence around her plot, which is keeping the cygnets in, and off the road. The parents can fly in and out to attend to their babies, who will have to wait until they can fly before they 'escape'.
This is actually illegal though, and neighbour (whose family owns the land) says, "Oi'll be gooing down thair termorra ter give her a piece o' moi moind. She hint gort ner roit ter dew tha!!"
We await developments!