The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169358   Message #4105563
Posted By: Helen
10-May-21 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
Subject: RE: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
Just briefly mentioning the Atkins diet again, one of the thoughts I have had over the years about the "controversies" stirred up about it is that the fast food giants and the sugar giants would have hated it. The Atkins diet plan focuses on healthy veges, fruit, proteins, wholegrains, legumes, and healthy fats, i.e. everything except white carbs - hot chips/fries, battered chicken and fish, burger buns, pizza bases etc - and high sugar content - sugary drinks, sugar in baked goods, sugar in low-fat yoghurt, sugar hidden in all sorts of foods from the supermarket shelf etc. It would have had those people spinning in fear. They would have hit it with every marketing - and fearmongering - tool at their disposal.

In this era the regular diet, in the sense of habitual eating habits, of the developed countries has an extremely high proportion of junk food consumed within the populations. Any move away from that has to be healthier.

Your great-to-awful job sounds very, very much like mine. I was happy to retire because of management reorganisations which had no basis in the reality of the jobs themselves. Every new manager needed to show how "forward-thinking" they were by throwing out the old (tried, tested and true) and replacing it with the current management fad. My stress levels are way more healthy now, and my sleep patterns are pretty much back to normal.