The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169358   Message #4106408
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-May-21 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
Subject: RE: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
I've adjusted My Fitness Pal to show me the graphic as I enter foods, and it is remarkably difficult to reduce carbs to below 50%. The best I've managed so far is to combine protein and fat to slightly overtake the carb percentage. I'm nowhere near the 50% protein the doctor mentioned, so I'm wondering if I misunderstood her (and frankly, I don't know that that much is healthy gut-wise). I'll be researching and working on this myself, but at my blood retest in a couple of months I'll ask for a clarification.