The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169853   Message #4106689
Posted By: Charmion
19-May-21 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: The pursuit of the Pankera--Heinlein
Subject: RE: BS: The pursuit of the Pankera--Heinlein
Thanks, Donuel. I think Wikipedia prefers statements of opinion to come from persons of note, which I am not, and to come with citations.

I started reading Heinlein when I found “Universe” in my father’s sock drawer while stowing the laundry. I think I was twelve. I read everything of his I could find until 1973, when “I Will Fear No Evil” came out in paperback. It was awful then, and I dare say it’s worse now.

“Glory Road”, published in 1963 and generally considered a middle-period novel, was a portent of the self-indulgent crap that was to follow. At this long remove, I think it safe to say that Heinlein wrote best when he had a new and original idea, a firm deadline, and an editor who took no guff. The posthumous publications have only hardened my opinion into a conviction.