The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169855   Message #4107667
Posted By: Brian Peters
26-May-21 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Trad. English tune for Little Musgrave?
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Trad. English tune for Little Musgrave?
I've just listened to the Jean Ritchie version, learned (according to Bronson) from her Uncle Jason. Her tune is the fairly commonplace one collected several times by Sharp and others in the mountains, but prettier than most on account of that little lift from the 5th at the beginning of the third phrase.

The really interesting thing, though, is the text, which is clearly an Americanized rendition of Child 81A, the 'Wit Restor'd' version - curiously 'Lord Bernard' is changed to 'Arnol', but 'Little Musgrave' remains unaltered. I wonder whether it was Jean or her Uncle who reconstructed the ballad.