The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169893   Message #4107870
Posted By: cnd
28-May-21 - 01:23 AM
Thread Name: Tune ID: Polk River Blues
Subject: Tune ID: Polk River Blues
I recently bought a collection of records related to the Fiddler's Grove fiddle convention which has been held in Union Grove, NC for decades now.

One of the albums, Harper Van Hoy Presents: Fiddler's Grove Traditional Ole Time & Bluegrass Volume 13 (link) has a song identified as "Polk River Blues," performed by a man named Billy Hurt. The song is a fast fiddle instrumental which seems painfully familiar to me under another name but has so far escaped me.

I think the song starts with your standard arpeggiated/repeated intro, moves to a well-known instrumental song, moves into a rough drag/hit section, and then moves back into the instrumental, before doing a repeated interplay between the intro theme and a second(?) well-known instrumental.

I keep thinking for some reason it's either Watermelon On the Vine or Whistlin' Rufus, but I don't think either of those are quite right. I have the feeling it's a medley of at least two better-known fiddle songs, but I'm awful at identifying tunes, especially fiddle ones.

You can hear it here. Does anyone recognize the tune?