The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169870   Message #4108634
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
03-Jun-21 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who you calling elderly?
Subject: RE: BS: Who you calling elderly?
I've got my dad's eyelids. O.k., I don't mean I have his actual eyelids. :-) When my dad was about my age his eyelids looked like saggy curtains: or so I was told. I was living a thousand miles away from home, so I didn't notice. Like others in my family, on bith sides, it looked like he was half asleep. As the day progresses and I get tired, my eyelids set with the sun. It looks like I'm squinting into oncoming headlights.

Not cool.

I had my eyes checked a couple of days ago, and I have three small spots on the back of my eye from the beginning of macular degeneration. Us Scandinavian types are light-skinned and the coloring on the back of our eye fades and thin as we age. At this point, my eyesight is not affected, but I will have to get regular six month check-ups to monitor the progression. I've been taking Lutein for the last thirty years, which is supposed to protect against macular degenration so I may not lose my eyesight.

If it's not one thing, it's another. :-) My eye doctor thinks I will be o.k., because the spots are small and he thinks the MD will advance slowly at my age.


In the next two or three weeks, I'll have my eyelids lifted and my vision will be substantially improved. No more yelling at me "Wake up!"