The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31176   Message #410923
Posted By: wysiwyg
04-Mar-01 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: Additions To Mudcat Storytellers' Page
Subject: RE: Additions To Mudcat Storytellers' Page
Aine, policy question-- example:

I did a couple of good pieces in the Traveling Guitar thread. But they are still in what I consider draft form-- in a thread like that, my goal is to get them OUT of me, and where others can enjoy and/or comment on them. Before I consider them "done" there usually needs to be more work on them. Do things like this stay put until we submit them, or do they morph over to the storybook?

Not just me. General question. But I have a bad CRS attack underway. Maybe I forgot something I am supposed to know.

And.... oh God here I go again, I'm sorry, I can't seem to stop myself thinking-- especially with you, dammit, you draw these things out... uh oh.... In a way, that thread was a Story Challenge. (gulp) Will there be story challenges, and if so, how will these differ in genesis from song challenges? (gulp) (Never mind) (delete) (too late)

Oh God.
