The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31571   Message #410988
Posted By: Arkie
04-Mar-01 - 11:48 PM
Thread Name: OBIT: Talking harmonica man Lonnie Glosson
Subject: Talking harmonica man
The "Talking Harmonica Man", Lonnie Glosson died Friday at 93 years of age. Lonnie, who had been performing up until this final bout with congestive heart failure started his career in 1924 at KMOX in St. Louis. He had hopped a freight train in his native Arkansas and headed to St. Louis to learn the brick laying trade from an older brother. His first radio performance at age 16, earned him a paying job for a railroad convention in Pine Bluff, Ark. and Lonnie never looked back. During the 1950s Lonnie and his partner Wayne Raney were one of the most popular acts in the history of radio. They popularized the tune "I Want My Mama", "The Fox Chase", and did train imitations on the harmonica. Farewell to one of America's real country music pioneers. Lonnie has never received the recognition he was due, but some of us will miss him.