The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170015   Message #4110660
Posted By: Doug Chadwick
19-Jun-21 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Going on a Trip to Buy a Dog!
Subject: RE: BS: Going on a Trip to Buy a Dog!
... when we walk and pass walkers out by themselves, point out that they really should have a dog as company

Recommending to people that they get a dog, without knowing their circumstances, seems somewhat rash. Introducing a dog into a household where everybody works, so it would be on its own for the full working day, is the way to raise a neurotic animal. Keeping a dog on the 17th floor of a tower block, where the lifts are broken more often than not, doesn't seem a good idea, especially if it is a decent sized dog that can't be picked up and carried.

I have an eight year old Old English Sheep Dog. Grooming him is a full time occupation. Summer walks are limited to early mornings and late evenings to avoid the heat of the day. He has arthritis, so the terrain has to be limited to fairly flat but, as he ages, the distance walked also has to be considered. Having a dog for company has to be traded against the restrictions in your lifestyle that come with it.

The potential owner's health also has to be taken into account. Taking on a dog is generaly a commitment of up to 15 years. A sprightly mid-sixty year old can end up as an 80 year old in nursing home. Someone else has to be available to take on the commitment if need be.