The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67873   Message #4110714
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
19-Jun-21 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Only Remembered
Subject: RE: Origins: Only Remembered
No mention so far on this thread (I think!) of the wonderful other version sung by Craig, Morgan and Robson on their album, "Peppers and Tomatoes" (2005). This version has a different set of lyrics by the late Sarah Morgan, and uses a different traditional tune. To quote what Sarah said in their songbook " I was asked to direct the choir for Taffy Thomas's show "Time and Tide" at Whitby Folk Festival, so I wrote these words to fit his theme of the enduring power of tradition."
Sadly I can't find any YouTube of the trio singing this song, but those of you who do things like Spotify may be able to find it!
Anyway, here, at least, are the lyrics: (and I do have a copy of the notation, though you should probably contact Carolyn Robson if you want to perform this commercially).

ONLY REMEMBERED – Craig, Morgan and Robson version

We’ve danced through the past to the music of history,
Sung out the winter, and sung in the sun,
In story and rhyme we’ve recorded life’s mystery,
So we’re remembered for what we have done.

Only remembered, only remembered,
Only remembered for what we have done,
Only remembered, only remembered,
Only remembered for what we have done.

Each celebration, in the dance of creation,
Binds us together and joins us as one,
In songs and stories, of sorrows or glories,
We’ll be remembered for what we have done.

These are the gifts for all those who will follow,
Treasures passed on from the old to the young.
Yesterday’s fire will light new tomorrows,
(And) we’ll be remembered for what we have done.

Strike up the instruments, join in the singing,
Come take your places, the dance has begun.
From past to the future the echoes go ringing
And so we’re remembered for what we have done.
Chorus x 2