The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169358   Message #4111068
Posted By: Helen
22-Jun-21 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
Subject: RE: BS: Keto diet - anybody try it? Like it?
The research is about one specific caterpillar with a venomous sting.

We used to get spitfire bugs here - I'm not sure what their scientific name is but they look as jazzy as those ones referred to in the article. In fact, I suspect they might be related. If one was disturbed it would spit venom and it hurt like heck for days, as I recall. I haven't seen them here for years. They could be used as an alternative to capsicum spray because they would deter even the toughest, most determined criminals or muggers.