The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169758   Message #4111248
Posted By: Bill D
24-Jun-21 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we alone?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we alone?
Donuel has wide interests and an extremely complex set of life experiences. I can't 'keep' his feet..or his mind & attention... anywhere.
I do make comments when something anyone says pushes my "Oh-oh" buttons. Like Pete ******* and a few others.. (grin).
My mind is mostly elsewhere these days, as my wife's health has declined and she in in hospice care.
    Browsing Mudcat is a temporary escape from my daily efforts to prove Sisyphus wrong, but it seems there is more than one stone to push uphill...or perhaps a better metaphor is a plate spinner.

Anyway.. Donuel is on the way to a Mudcat record for most posts. He just has his own topics ...which do change over time. I really miss hid brilliant cartoons from years ago...

C'est la vie.