The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29051 Message #4111594
Posted By: Felipa
27-Jun-21 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs
Subject: Tha mi nam shuidh' agus Tá mé mo shuí
Thanks, Runrig Fan for the translations from Irish to Scots Gaelic and to English by Brian O hEadhra.
Shidh' should be spelled shuidh'. Literally the meaning would be more like the English language expression "I am sitting up" [late]. Incidentally I saw an expression "suidhe fad-oidhche" defined as "late-night sitting" in the Learn Gaelic online dictionary.
There's a typo in "Dh'innsieadh"; it should be "Dh'innseadh". I think the rest of the transcription is fine. I haven't heard Brian O hEadhra's recording of this song yet.
I think the other songs requested on this discussion thread are covered elsewhere in Mudcat, so it should become specifically a thread for versions of Tá Mé Mo Shuí (or very similar songs). Irish language lyrics for Tá Mé Mo Shuí were posted in the thread on 29 Dec 2000. There's is also a typo near the start of that message, shuó should be shuí.