The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169758   Message #4112507
Posted By: Bill D
06-Jul-21 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are we alone?
Subject: RE: BS: Are we alone?
No one can doubt that you... or anyone ... had personal 'experiences'.

We just cannot base general public knowledge on them unless they are some combination of replicable, recordable, predictible, and coherently explainable.

The "Miracle at Lourdes" was a personable experience of two young girls who 'saw' a religious vision. People WANTED to believe it.

It can be hard to distinguish a vivid dream from an "Out of the Body" experience.. and from a near-death experience. (I once had a vivid dream about a friend from high school that had me composing an anxious letter... until I realized that the details were fading as I wrote.) And 12 eyewitness reports of traffic accidents, shootings and UFOs can vary widely.... which is one reason police body cams and other digital monitoring equipment is becoming popular. Right now I can't remember if you ever posted any details of YOUR experiences, but if you experienced something, I cannot doubt that you are recounting things honestly. Neither can I take your honest report at face value.

   There are so many things that can be the source or 'cause' of an experience that sorting genuinely possible events from old hoaxes and honest mistakes is a never ending task.

I will continue to **doubt** but not to directly **deny**.