The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165590   Message #4113895
Posted By: leeneia
20-Jul-21 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: yodeling
Subject: RE: yodeling
I've been doing more yodeling lately. In the OP, Andy asked for tips. Here are some tips:

Yodeling is nothing but fancy singing, with nonsense syllables, ritards, big leaps, long, long notes - whatever you want to do. If you can do the break, fine, but you don't have to.

When I followed Slim Whitman's lesson (see link above) I couldn't get the break. But when I made a bigger jump, it worked. Try that.

Yodeling varies around the world. You don't have to do cowboy yodeling if you like Swiss yodeling better.

You can use any syllables you like. I know one that goes high-ligh-ra, and another that goes hul--dee=yukka, yukka eh. As I said before, you decide on your syllables ahead of time, Yodeling is not improvised.

German has umlauts - "round vowels" where you say long a, short e, long e or short i at the back of mouth, then immediately round your lips. This produces an interesting sound which adds to the exotic-ness of a yodel. Other languages do this too.

People like yodeling. I have yet to see a video with an audience where the audience didn't show approval for yodeling.