The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4114449
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-Jul-21 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Yup. When picking wild grapes I always wear a pair of vinyl kitchen gloves (the same ones I was wearing in public in early COVID) and when I finished picking yesterday the fingers were full of sweat because it was a hot day for spending 45 minutes picking.

I have a quart juice jar out of the freezer, from 2019, before they trashed the woods with their "clean up." No grapes last year, so I made jelly from the 2019 freezer stash. I need to update that stash so I'll pick some more and use some for jelly now and some for the freezer. I also have strawberry juice in there, so more jelly. Since any kind of sugar is good to fertilize the garden I'll add the expired juice to a bucket of water and compost tea and pour it around the tomatoes (no point wasting it by pouring down the drain.)

Two parcels are due to arrive today, one will have my dryer bearing kit, so I can put that back together. Drying on the line is always fun, and my next door neighbor's wind chimes (some with really low tones) make hanging laundry a surreal experience, but the towels do come out like sandpaper and the t-shirt I'm wearing today could stand unaided.

Five pounds down since starting the alternate day fasting. I tried it unsuccessfully some months ago but couldn't stay on it when the thyroid was working against me. Now it feels much more like past applications, more willpower to see it through. With the difficulties gone that contributed to weight gain, with the knee replacement working and energy and fitness restored through metabolic tweaks, maybe this time it will stick.