The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4115434
Posted By: Rapparee
04-Aug-21 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
$1,700 for a TASERĀ® 7 CQ Home Defense Shooting Stun Gun w/ Laser Sight isn't a poor person's toy. Then you have to buy two-packs of air propellant AND more Taser reloads after each use.

For that kinda money I can buy a couple of GOOD pistols* and ammunition -- or put a a down payment on a BiPAP ST, such as was provided by the VA. Moreover, they're not all that expensive, and a factory refurb would work fine. But I take what I'm given.

*Should I want to, which I don't as I have enough firearms and ammunition for a LONG hunting trip or a small war. If I wanted to spend that sort of cash I'd buy something else entirely, like a surprise for my wife (who, BTW, inherited a .22 rifle, a 7.65mm FN 10/22, a 1917 .45 Colt Autorim Revolver, a .22 revolver, and a .22 air rifle from her father).