The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6887   Message #41159
Posted By: BSeed
10-Oct-98 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: What is a Plectrum Banjo?
Subject: RE: What is a Plectrum Banjo?
Barbara, much as I love you, I'll have to withdraw my offer to run off with you. I'm already married to someone who hates housework--even more than I do (and that's what I should be doing now, instead of flaking here on the 'cat). If I leave my wife it'll have to be for someone who loves housework and is independently wealthy--so I guess my wife has no fears of my ever leaving.

"I yearn for you tragically, A.T.Tapman, Chaplain, USAAC" Can you tell me the source of that (which expresses my feelings exactly)? --seed