The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4115945
Posted By: Monique
09-Aug-21 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
LLORABA LA NIÑA (1590)(Spanish)
Luis de Góngora (1561-1627)
Music by Paco Ibañez (1934 - )

Lloraba la niña
(y tenía razón)
la prolija ausencia
de su ingrato amor.
Dejóla tan niña,
que apenas creo yo
que tenía los años
que ha que la dejó.

Llorando la ausencia
del galán traidor,
la halla la Luna
y la deja el Sol,
añadiendo siempre
pasión a pasión,
memoria a memoria,
dolor a dolor.
Llorad, corazón,
que tenéis razón.

Dícele su madre:
«Hija, por mi amor,
que se acabe el llanto,
o me acabe yo.»
Ella le responde:
«No podrá ser, no:
las causas son muchas,
los ojos son dos.
Satisfagan, madre,
tanta sinrazón,
y lágrimas lloren
en esta ocasión,
tantas como dellos
un tiempo tiró
flechas amorosas
el arquero dios.

Ya no canto, madre,
y si canto yo,
muy tristes endechas
mis canciones son;
porque el que se fue,
con lo que llevó,
se dejó el silencio,
y llevó la voz.»
Llorad, corazón,
Que tenéis razón.

The girl was weeping
(And she had a reason [why])
Over the long absence
Of her ungrateful love.
He left her so young
That I believe
She hardly had as many years
As the ones since he'd left her*.

Crying over the absence
Of the traitorous gallant,
The moon finds her
And the sun leaves her,
Always adding
Passion to passion
Memory to memory,
Pain to pain.
Cry, my heart,
As you have a reason [why].

Her mother told her:
"Daughter, for the love of me
Let the crying end
Or let me be dead."
She replies:
"It cannot be, no:
The causes are many,
The eyes are two.
Let them satisfy, mother,
So much injustice,
And let them weep tears
At this moment,
As many [tears] as loving arrows
The archer god
Shot once
From them.

I no longer sing, mother,
And if I sing
My songs are
Very sad laments
Because the one who left,
With what he took away,
He left the silence
And took the voice away.
Cry, my heart,
As you have a reason [why].
*The way to express age is totally different in Romance languages. We "have" X years, we "are" not X years old, so the sentence might awkwardly be translated as "She hardly had [as many] the years as it'd been since he left her." I.e if she was 15 years old when he left her, it'd been 15 years since he did. It's the best I can put it!

Recording by Paco Ibañez

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