The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169087   Message #4116116
Posted By: GUEST,Marty
10-Aug-21 - 11:56 PM
Thread Name: 2020 Obit: Anne Byrne
Subject: RE: 2020 Obit: Anne Byrne
Recently on YouTube, I stumbled upon a live Video of Anne singing Lily Of The West with Jesse Owens. Although a life long fan of Joan Baez since 1962, the sheer beauty of Anne’s voice, floored me. I began searching YouTube for more of Anne Byrne. I discovered Mary Hamilton, Come By The Hills & The Foggy Dew. I obtained one of her recordings on Discogs. I am saddened that I only discovered her after she passed away. She came upon the 60s Folk Scene here in the U.S. a little too late. She was a treasure.