The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167504   Message #4116661
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Aug-21 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
Subject: RE: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
Vitamin D, etc., has got nothing to do with this. For decades we've been told that massive doses of Vitamin C protects us against colds. My old dad believed that, he still caught colds and he got heartburn from the vitamin tablets to boot. The virus gets into your cells no matter how vitamin-rich you happen to be.

I'm perfectly sane, I don't think for one second that I'm the only one who is, and I'm not delusional. I follow the science. The science says, overwhelmingly, that getting the vaccine is the way out of this. The science around the infectivity of vaccinated people is highly uncertain. The science around masks isn't there. I've asked here repeatedly for evidence but all I've had is that stone-age thing of observational stuff with no regard for confounding factors, largely from "scientists" who suffer from confirmation bias, the true curse of real science. And I seem to be in a very small minority when I refer to the mass misuse and the mass misunderstanding of masks, which can and does lead to a false sense of security and actual danger to the public. Wear a mask, I respect you for that. I should expect the same when I demur, but some of you are so certain that you're right that I almost think that some evangelist or other has been getting at you. Speaking of evangelists, I'll say it again: millions of Americans are refusing the vaccine because their preachers are instructing them. I've kept all the rules but you still have a go. Your silence over the millions of you yanks who are refusing the vaccine, a step that threatens the whole planet, is deafening.