The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31516   Message #411677
Posted By: MAV
05-Mar-01 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: BUSH-tipping
Subject: RE: BS: BUSH-tipping
Oh Ebbie,

"I've got that feeling only because I don't want to believe that he's the one we've got. President Bush?"

That's so sad, I think I'm going to cry.


"Face it, we're stuck with Bush Lite for another 3 years, 10.5 months"

HA, ha ha ha ha ha!

The denial was good while it lasted wasn't it?

The American people are beginning to see serious contrast between the corrupt, sophmoric, outrageous, illegal and immoral behavior of the clinton adminstration and the integrity, honesty, respect and effectiveness of the new Bush Presidency.

They are giving him good marks, as high as 92% approval including your former "assumed" voters.

See you in 2004!

mav out