The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122547   Message #4117377
Posted By: robomatic
21-Aug-21 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Domestication of Dogs
Subject: RE: BS: Domestication of Dogs
I am daily involved with domestication of the dog and I have a gut level understanding and acceptance of this bond that I have come to well along in my life due to the influence of some good friends of both the human and canine variety. It is a source of great wonder and pleasure. I have liked and respected animals but I have not often had the responsibility of them liking me.

I have been thinking of the Simpsons episode now a generation in the past where their dog had to be trained or given up. At the time there was a famous English dog trainer who they immortalized for the show:

Woman: "Now let me introduce you to the two most important words in dog obediance: CHOKE CHAIN!"

[choke chain pulled around the neck of Santa's Little Helper, who drops]

Bart: "Is my dog dead, ma'am?"

Woman: (laughs) "You've no idea how often I hear that!"