The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122547   Message #4117985
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
27-Aug-21 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Domestication of Dogs
Subject: RE: BS: Domestication of Dogs
Our remaining cat is called Molly, Sen. The one that passed away last year was Lily. On mentioning that a Stargazer lily had just flowered in our front garden last week we found Molly, later, curled up in a raised bed at the back. She must have heard about the lily flower and decided we needed a Molly flower too :-)

We have the grumbles and photos of dog poo on our village Facebook group too. What I find more annoying though is those owners who clean up and then leave the bag hanging on a low tree branch or bush. What's that about!?!?