The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122547   Message #4118013
Posted By: Senoufou
27-Aug-21 - 08:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Domestication of Dogs
Subject: RE: BS: Domestication of Dogs
When we had five cats at one time (!) we lived deep in the countryside with a half-acre garden. But they always preferred to use their big litter tray in the house. I didn't mind at all.
Now we live in a street of bungalows, and the little rescued kitten next door, 'Archie', has now grown up and is starting to explore the neighbourhood. He likes to come to me for a little chat when I'm sitting on The Bench. Every time, after our little 'conversation' he squats on the lawn right in front of me, does a huge poo, then smiles in a friendly way. I reckon he's saying, "Here's a nice present for you!"
I honestly don't mind this. I put it on a small shovel and chuck it under our hedge.
Husband says he wonders what Archie's owners would say if he squatted on their lawn and did a huge poo, then smiled benignly. hee hee