The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122547   Message #4118057
Posted By: Backwoodsman
27-Aug-21 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Domestication of Dogs
Subject: RE: BS: Domestication of Dogs
I think you’ve missed the point, Dave.

Yes, I pick up after my dog anywhere and everywhere he takes a dump, and I do pick up other dogs’ shit if there’s a pile close by when I’m doing so. I’m not suggesting you, or any cat-owner, should pick up other people’s cats’ shit, but it would be nice if cat owners did what they expect dog-owners to do and pick up their cats’ shit anywhere and everywhere they take a dump. My dog never steps outside the confines of our garden without my wife or me being with him. How many cat-owners even know where their cats are all of the time, let alone where they take a dump when they’re roaming?

As I’ve said a number of times on ‘dog’ threads, I’m not anti-cat, I’ve owned cats, held them in high affection, and still do feel an strong affinity with them. But I do find it galling that cat-owners use un-picked-up dog shit as a weapon to beat responsible dog-owners like me with, when there’s plenty of un-picked-up cat shit lying around, including on my property, that no-one makes any effort to pick up.

And cat shit stinks just as bad as dog-shit, if not worse, when it’s on the sole of your shoe and you trample it on your hall carpet, as I did a few weeks ago after unknowingly treading in it while reading the gas-meter! ;-)

But we could go over and over this ground, which is pointless. So I’m leaving it here.