The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169458   Message #4118207
Posted By: GUEST,Malcolm Storey
29-Aug-21 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: Whitby Festival - Online This Year - 2021
Subject: RE: Whitby Festival - Online This Year - 2021
Whitby has never been a place for reasonable beer prices.
Even in the days when the pubs were taking it in turns to close on a Saturday night prices were always above average for the area.
It used to be not so bad before the clubs and most of the pubs had two price lists - neither on show - for locals/members and visitors.
In the days before Humphrey at Sam Smith's the landlord at the Plough confided in me that Folk Week profits covered the whole of his outgoings for the year.
The place now has less atmosphere than a funeral parlour - but Humphrey knows best.