The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4118296
Posted By: Jon Freeman
30-Aug-21 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Covid really started for us in March 2019. The group of people from Strabane Northern Ireland were over and mum and I (who already were not getting out much and mum, the only qualified driver of the pair was on the verge of stopping driving) debated whether or not it made sense to taxi to and fro (actually, the way things worked our, Sean, the landlord ran us back). It was nice meeting up again and playing some music but that’s the last musical contact we had.

It might seem odd but we were already sort of winding down before Covid. One point along that line could be the weekly grocery shop. We’d long used Tesco but, at one point, found it impossible to book slots with them (so much for caring for long standing customers and 80+ year old account holder…) and someone else who seemed better than us at reserving slots from 2 or 3 possible choices helped us out a few times until things settled down again.

I suppose another thing I could mention was experiencing a 7 week hospital stay. If I’ve got my colours right I was on a blue ward. I think that meant it was believed to be Covid free. No family visits were allowed and other people (in my case, that would include a weekly visit from a chaplain to have a chat with (as well as one of them getting me a puzzle book) as well as the physio (not that I got out to walk much) and other medics like OT and dietician) had to visit my ward (Or I guess another blue ward if there were any) first. They weren’t allowed to enter my ward after visiting other wards.

A North Wales (some mix of a brother (I’ve 3 brothers), his wife and their 2 adult offspring – I’m not sure, apart from my brother, who’s coming) is due to visit 6th Sept and I think that will be the first time we’ve seen any of them since Covid.