The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122547   Message #4118372
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
31-Aug-21 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Domestication of Dogs
Subject: RE: BS: Domestication of Dogs
My three are all flopped down on the cold tile floor, cooling off after our morning walk. 77o and 80% humidity - better than the last few days when it was 90%. Once they've stopped panting so hard I feed them. There is a problem called "bloat" that can happen if they eat a big meal then get a lot of exercise; I don't want to create some similar but reverse situation by giving them exercise then feeding right away (though they get half in the morning and half in the evening—also to avoid bloat).

I tell them we'll all wait - I don't get my first cuppa tea until they get fed. :)