The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169458   Message #4118387
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
31-Aug-21 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: Whitby Festival - Online This Year - 2021
Subject: RE: Whitby Festival - Online This Year - 2021
A further shout out to those who put together the online programme and events in Whitby@Home 2021: I still have some catching up to do, but some good concerts, workshops, talks and presentations.
The one disappointment was the very poor quality of the "Festival Showcase" video which was made up up of various collected videos of workshop output, but then presented as a Zoom recording on YouTube. A lot was lost in this mish-mash of technology. Now, pretty much all the other Zoom events were of good quality, but this whole thing was dreadful, both in sound and picture quality. Fortunately there have been been updated YouTube videos of the 2 workshops I sent in good quality videos for, and these are SOOOO much better!