The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4118561
Posted By: Donuel
01-Sep-21 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
There is also a new cottage industry begining in Texas.
Since the last hours of a legal abortion after 6 weeks expired last night, illegal abortions are the new growth industry.
In this age of quack cures, safety and effectiveness are out the window.
Back are the pre 1967 treatments; crocodile fecal matter: according to The Kahum Papyrus, one of the earliest medical texts in history, Egyptian women used crocodile fecal matter to induce abortion and as a form of contraception
herb pennyroyal: Maya Lewis wrote about herb pennyroyal in her thesis, Drink Me and Abort Your Baby: The Herbal Abortion Tea, saying, "Pennyroyal [is an essential oil that] will almost certainly kill anyone who uses it carelessly...Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, liver and kidney failure, hallucinations and seizures are all caused by pennyroyal oil overdoses — typically by young women seeking to self-induce their abortion.”
insertion of leeches or cayenne pepper into the vagina
swallowing gunpowder
throwing oneself down the stairs
hitting oneself in the stomach with a meat pulverizer
consuming turpentine
spending a night in the snow
consuming opium
consuming tansy oil
using the fungus ergot
the infamous hanger technique

The other method is a strong President sending observers and charging anyone denying or obstructing constitutional enacted law with fines or prison.