The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4118916
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
05-Sep-21 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

She could but she won't. 90 years of doing what she is told. She told me, with hope, what she would like to try doing - to stay near home and then, sadly ... "the family wants me..." The son had left the premises after the first while and did not return. But before I had left, he had phoned someone and told her the "plan". I suppose he was phoning and planning while D and I were talking. This plan was not even mentioned while he was with us. We talked about her sharing a duplex with her not-yet-30 GS! or with him, which he clearly did not want. I can not imagine a GS wanting to share his home with his 90 year old GM!

The social workers/ health care workers have done testing. Now that the family knows she might be on the beginning of Alzheimers, what she thinks or wants is irrelevant to the family.

I fear they do not want to spend their inheritance. The son is executor, yet told me she could "not afford" a seniors residence. And did not say a word when I pointed out that Bill said she could - easily and plenty left over.

On Tuesday, I will vent to my trustworthy, caring, knowledgeable friend up there. Her weekend is full of family. I need to let this go but I am 100% tearful with a sense of caring and failing. Bill and Terry have been through it and done their best and can do no more.They are sad but are doing self care. I thought I had more respect from the son, more credibility. OMG! A basement apartment -from living in a home on top of a cliff overlooking a large lake. Cruelty!

Still managed two more loads of laundry - that's all of it! And I finally managed to cook a good meal - a few days worth - and ate last night. After snacks all day. So a good lunch - slightly burned - awaits me.

Now, practical - I need to find a helper to move the firewood. And I am going to have to contact persons I barely know to see if anyone has any one. I just wish I could crawl in a hole and pull the hole in after me. But I shall just muddle along.

Sorry, guys: this is a safe place to vent! TY!! I need to figure out how to get to making pots; it might cheer me a bit.