The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31311   Message #411898
Posted By: CamiSu
06-Mar-01 - 08:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: School Pranks?
Subject: RE: BS: School Pranks?
Susan, The lead Jessica used was from old flashing and pipes. We made it into slingshot pellets, but a large chunk was made into the April Fool weight. It's still in the barn.

My father in law, when he got back from WWII went to college. When he saw the lines for registration decide he'd been in enough lines--ever. So he went and got his coveralls, a ladder, and a light bulb. He walked into the registration room with said accoutrements, put them aside, and registered. When his bride found out, she nearly killed him, as she was still in line!

The original lead trick came from my husband's HS days. Seems there was a student with a briefcase who HAD to be the first one out of the classroom, even if it meant leaping over other students. The teacher had an Xray machine in his back room and so David and a friend took one of the lead plates from it and placed it in the guy's briefcase. When the end of class came the student stood up, placed his hand on the next desk and vaulted. However the briefcase went straight to the floor, taking the guy's arm with it. That slowed him down for a while.

Dave also made "Gramma paper" once. He put spray adhesive on some feed sacks and spread them out on the kitchen floor. His mother came in and stepped on them, and stuck!

His school also had one of those tubular fire escapes in the upper classrooms, and kids would regularly escape out the window and down the tube. One teacher got tired of this and poured some corn syrup down the escape. It was much easier to catch the kids when they were stuck in the tube.

In my high school we had a teacher who once led the whole class out of the room after one student fell asleep. We then watched through the window as he woke up and looked around in panic. (This same teacher also once let a student who REALLY needed to sleep, stay asleep in his classroom. He put a sigh on the door telling the classes to meet elsewhere and also sent messages around to his teachers, about where he was and why. great guy.

Cami Su