The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170172   Message #4119136
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Dow
07-Sep-21 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: A Secret Stream (Vol 1) New Book Nick Dow
Subject: RE: ASecret Stream (Vol 1) New Book Nick Dow
Cohen and I have just finished some rewrites. Steve Gardham is still proofing. The overall typesetting has been done, but we are waiting for the second fair copy, to make sure there are no further mistakes, in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. We have had to reset some of the Gypsy Fiddle tune titles, without losing our Alphabetical order, which has taken a while, but we are aiming to be able to print by September 16th, all being well. It has been quite a headache getting it correct. I am going to offer MP3 files of the tunes, which need resorting into Song, Fiddle Tune, Carols and Romany song files. I then need to check them all against the originals. Not as big a job as it sounds. There are a few if's and but's however it's looking positive.