The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4120216
Posted By: Donuel
17-Sep-21 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Salvia officinalis 'Icterina'

Oh the yellow sage of Texas is the only weed I love
It grows in soil thats harder than Texas guys that shove
If you put it under UV it even seems to glow
I'll plant that sage weed forever because it always grows
There are so Mustang grapes that swell along the way
But I killed an Armadillo and jail is where I'll stay
With the yellow sage of Texas I stuff in all the cracks
'Cause I know as it grows the jail walls will fall at long last
Oh the yellow sage of Texas is the only weed I love
its roots are even stronger than Texas dirt below
It sometimes makes small berries that makes breathing slow
I remember it forever and all the dreams that flowed
The eyes of Texas are upon you all the live long day
The eyes of Texas are upon you, you cannot get away
Do not think you can escape them at night or early in the morn
The eyes of Texas are upon you 'till Gabriel blows his horn
The eyes of Texas are upon you all the live long day
The eyes of Texas are upon you, you cannot get away
Do not think you can escape them at night or early in the morn
unless you have yellow sage to grow cracks in walls till they fall
The eyes of Texas are upon you all the live long day
The eyes of Texas are upon you, you cannot get away
Do not think you can escape them at night or early in the morn
The eyes of Texas are upon you 'till Gabriel blows his horn

Songwriters: Fred Wise / Randy Starr