The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4120448
Posted By: Monique
20-Sep-21 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
On Sept 14th 2020 Mysha sang:
Gerard van Maasakkers
(West Frisian. However, that is not original song and language.
The original is "Cis Verdonk", in the Brabantian dialect, from the 1970-s.- Mysha)

Ik sil jim ris wat sjonge: it is oer Oebke Grou
Hja wenne hjir yn't doarp, yn in húske efterôf
Hja dronk, en hja stonk, en har hûnen like sa,
Mar Oebke klage nea: it wie goed; sa woe hja 't hawwe

It nijs seach hja net, dêrfan hie hja gjin ferlet
En de lju dy seinen allegear: Oebke dy is wat nuver hear.
En hie Oebke wat snobbersguod, dan tochtest by dysels fan "Ba!
Wa wit hoe lang dy yn har fieze jakje sitten hawwe"

It wie op in tongersdei, dat de buorlju kamen en klagen
By de plysje, om't: De hûnen dy hienen sa'n leven, sûnt twa dagen
It plysjehaad dy die der wat oan; hy stjoerde plysje Terlea
Dy fûn dêr Oebke Grou; hja lei al dagen dea.

It nijs ier en it nijs let, dy hienen fan sa'n ferhaal ferlet,
Dat de lju dy seagen allegear: dat mei Oebke dat wie nuver hear
En doe't hja troch de hûs gongen, leien yn't laad fan it dressoir
Sântsjen rôltsjes pipermintsjes, kreas njonken elkoar

I will now sing you a story: It's about Oebke Grou *
She had a cottage in the village, a bit out of the way
She drank, and she stank, and her dogs did as well.
Oebke never complained: it's how she wanted it to be

She never looked at the news; that was no good to her
And the people all said: Oebke is a bit of a character.
And if Oebke offered you some candy, then you silently wondered "Yuck
Who knows how long that sat in that filthy jacket of hers."

One day, on a Thursday, the neighbours came to report
To the police: The dogs had been making such a racket, for two days
The head of police did something about it; he sent constable Terlea
He then found Oebke Grou there; she had lain dead there for days.

The early news and the late news, they all needed such a story,
Thus all the people saw: That with Oebke sure was strange
And when they looked through the house, in the dresser drawer they found:
Seventeen rolls of pepermints, neatly in a row.
* "This 'Oebke' is a female. After I picked the name I found some people would consider it rather a male name, but I decided against messing with it afterwards. 'Grou' can be a family name, referring to a family hailing from the village of that name, but it might equally well be nickname used for someone who is rather heavyset." -Mysha

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