The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4120746
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
23-Sep-21 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

No pottery made since I have been here - so no clutter of work in process! - to look at the positive side. I can feel positive today as:1: my house guests were wonderful; the attic/sleeping loft was swept by them and they used the K wonderfully well with no input from me; Rita commented "you are SO organized!"; They had two days to see the sights and back to QC. And, of course, I did a great deal of sorting and clearing before they came!

2: my depression over the plight of my 90 year old friend started to pass when I found out the family was going to let her go to a nice seniors residence instead of her Grand daughters basement! Talking it over with my guests helped greatly as I came to think maybe what I emailed the son could have made a difference: "I could not have helped you all those years ago if I had not listened to you. You need to listen to your mother. ... I am SO disappointed in you." I have not heard a word from him since but another family member apprised me of the change of plans and I am SO happy. Listening to the other is essential.

3: Today, Dan came and put up much needed, utilitarian, shelves in the studio! What a treat to be able to get things better organized! THAT is a major de-clutter!! Made a good start on it.

Dan is finding a dearth of building materials and exorbitant prices, still. He used shelving he had bought for a future project. We hope prices drop before he gets around to his project!

4:Tomorrow, if it dries out enough, Stu is coming to cut the Alders which have gotten so tall I no longer have a view of the west hill.I am afraid I feel as though Nature is overwhelming me. We can just leave them where they fall - for the animals, and to go back to the soil. I rather hate to do it - environmentally - but it will be done.

Still waiting for Steve to de-clutter the back yard of waist high "weeds".

5:Gave a huge box of yarn to Leslie for her hats and scarves, and a foot high stack of slacks; I am clearly not going to lose the necessary 20 more pounds.

6:Now working on the best way to rid myself of re-usable fabrics. Then I will start on the never used lengths. "best way"= most helpful to the community - Who can/will use it effectively? I realize I no longer want to make a beautiful piece of fabric into clothing for myself. I have enough nice clothes that I do not wear! Mostly wear T's or sweatshirts, sweatpants or cut-offs. More clothes will be leaving.

So, no pots made but lots done, in spite of low energy/depression. If it is not raining on Saturday, I plan to go back to QC via a small town festival where some friends are playing at 1 pm. If it is raining, I will skip the side trip.

Notice from the town re Dupont: cut the grass. I am considering getting someone to plow the whole "lawn" and plant something that does not need cutting. Grass is an environmental crime, one step above asphalt, and I not only hate cutting it, I do not have the energy. I also consider it an infringement on our rights.