The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4120770
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
24-Sep-21 - 12:49 AM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Dorothy, such good news about your friend! I hope that transition is an easy one for all of the family. And you can rest easy, that you did what you could and it helped.

I mowed my lawn today before I got a note from the village, but it was getting that tall in a few spots. Now to sweep the pine needles out of the gutter. Again. I did it last week and you couldn't tell now.

Houseguest has arrived, we went out for dinner at a little Lebanese restaurant that several Mudcatters have visited over the years. Word of mouth via Mudcat! The dogs are adoring this visit because they are getting tons of attention and ear scratches.

I donated more of my organic garden produce to the mutual aid pantry north of my house. It's a few quarts at a time, but it means two or three really nice meals with fresh okra or hot peppers.

The cooler weather is such a wonderful break—I suspect we broke heat records for most of September. Soon it will be time for a second layer, even if it is only a light cotton blouse over a t-shirt. Baby steps.