The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4120882
Posted By: Donuel
24-Sep-21 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Some people are becoming so woke they are coming out the racist side.
We have tried to revise diversity at some Universites by having one cafe for people of color and a whites only cafe. Cultures do disintegrate into madness when they rebel against diversity as in the tradition of MAGA and progressives in the US. There are other cultures who have dabbled in culture wars like; Yugoslavian Muslim and Christians, Rawanda Hutus and Tutsies, Catholics and Protestants in Ireland, Sunnies and Shiites in Iraq, Hindus and Muslims in Kashmir, Everyone in Afghanistan...

I have repeated my angst over the holocaust many times with mixed response and often none. I am typified as mad by a segment of the UK crowd in what could be called antidonualism. I have mentioned civil war segments of American society for over 10 years until now it has become an actual hot/cold civil war.

Ethnic purity, tribalism, racism or what ever you want to call it, its surely the reason why Neanderthals dissapeared. I say we have to get high together to get along to go along. So I'll have that drink.
I propose an elixer of peace, the COD (cocktail of diversity): one part Oxytocin, one part magic mushroom, four parts Vodka, 2 parts THC, 2 parts red wine, 2 parts mollie and 6 parts strawberry watermelon juice. :^/