The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170418   Message #4121121
Posted By: GUEST,Rick Pollay
27-Sep-21 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: When You Get to Heaven by Jan Marra
Subject: Lyr Add: When You Get to Heaven by Jan Marra
A humorous take on the fare of a traditional church supper.

When You Get to Heaven
Jan Marra – in Songs for Collectors (2002)
(short ~ 2 min)

Emerill Lagasse - N’awlins chef popular on TV starting in the late 1990s

I was thumbing thru the pictures of a gospel magazine
In there was this picture; I wonder what it means
A picture of some heavenly folk at a picnic on the grass
Serving up a supper out of Tupperware and glass

        Chili, macaroni, and noodled tuna fish
        When you get to heaven, you got to bring a covered dish
        Take the fixings with you when you give up your soul
        Cause when you get to heaven, you gotta bring a casserole.

You would smile just for a while if you knew what I knew
Emeril Lagasse, he would not know what to do
French cuisine won’t make the scene I’m here to tell you why
The ladies of the church will not take buffet in the sky


There’s a seat at the welcome table and its waiting just for me
I’ve seen the writing on the wall and it’s a recipe
So bury me with mushroom soup and green beans in a can
Throw in some canned fried onion rings - send me to the promised land
