The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4121252
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
28-Sep-21 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Charmion, will you play the piano with headphones or the regular speaker sounding like a regular piano? Mine upright grand needs to be restored and I've thought many times about using an electronic keyboard instead. I look forward to hearing about your adoption of this instrument.

Overcast here today and a downpour when I was in Costco. I was careful - looked at several things but only picked up one item, but while in the checkout line the heavens opened and a 1o minute shower. I've never eaten there before, but a $2 slice of pizza was actually quite good and took care of lunch. By the time I finished the sun was out again.

This is the end of a modestly successful no-spend month, where I was generally able to ask myself "do I need that thing today?" and delay a purchase or decide later it was unnecessary. I'm going to do a no-alcohol month for October. A few years ago (when I was still working full-time for an awful boss and my job sucked and then Trump came into office) it seemed like a couple of drinks in the evening were necessary to take the edge off. Many things have changed and I'm finding other ways to take that edge off (walking, exercise, focused activities like sewing and gardening and cooking).

Dorothy, I hope the power being off didn't spoil the contents of the fridge and freezer. Was it restored soon enough that everything stayed frozen or cold?

I'm wondering where our wandering Patty Clink is now that autumn is here? Is it time to head south again soon, or will you enjoy the fall colors and cool temperatures of the Midwest before heading to the desert?