The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212 Message #4121284
Posted By: GerryM
29-Sep-21 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Songs, poems, monologue from the 27-28 September 2021 Mudcat Worldwide Singaround, probably in the order in which they were performed. I'm not sure about the one I've called The Legendary Gendarmes. Thanks to MoorleyMan for roughly the first half of the list, and thanks to Gayle for a clarification. Comments and corrections always welcome.
Let Union Be Come and be Welcome The Verb To Be (poem) Will it Fill the Till? Epitaph to the Unknown Miner (monologue) Lady of Autumn Rory O’More Ned of the Hill I’m Drunk, I’m Drunk Railway Race to the North Come Write Me Down Chat with Your Mother My Donald Lo Bailèra (in Occitan) Farewell to the Old House The Coffee Shop in Pimlico Many a Mile I Have Gone Degree of Freedom Blues Success to the Farmer The Ball Playing Song When You Get to Heaven Oregon Take a Walk Working Man Moth Dark-Eyed Molly Horse Thief Gold Watch and Chain The Family of Woman and Man Oh What a Merry Land is England! I Had an Old Coat Suzanne Grannie (poem) Rafael & Abdullah Mrs Jones' Operation Maid of the Sweet Brown Knowe Whiskey-O (aka Whiskey Johnny) McDonalds Kitchen (ttto Streets of London) The High Walls of Derry (aka Johnny, Lovely Johnny) The Legendary Gendarmes (?) Zen Gospel Singing The Streets of Derry (aka Derry Gaol) Abstract Horny Blues Neocortex Tear Down the Walls (not the Fred Neil song) Day We Went to Rothesay The Man in Green Daily Growin' Slow Train Through Georgia Barrett's Privateers Oedipus Rex (Mark Graham, not Tom Lehrer) Twisted My Painting Box Ulysses Keep Hauling Vaccination (ttto Fascination) Doc's Guitar Are You Going to Salisbury Town? (ttto Scarborough Fair) Side By Side Cree Prophecy Hymn Song