The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170407   Message #4121851
Posted By: Donuel
04-Oct-21 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Threat of the week
Subject: RE: BS: Threat of the week
Bush got 1.5 trillion dollars for tax cuts on the wealthy.
Trump got 1.9 trillion tax cuts for the wealthy.
Biden wants 3.5 for the rest of us.
Biden also wants to tax the rich who are actually paying about 3.4 %.
The wealthy also send 14 trillion overseas to hide it from the IRS.
Its time that we at least even the score. When only the rich can afford to pay our representatives to run for office we end up where we currently are.

Perhaps we think this will not effect our life in the way Brexit doesn't effect America. As a recent spectator, I say it will.
When I was young the tax rate for the rich was 90%.