The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167504   Message #4122104
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Oct-21 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
Subject: RE: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
I'm pro-vaccination and we are fully vaccinated. I can't wait for my booster. But I am implacably opposed to compulsion. What kind of world, what kind of "democracy," do we live in when you can force someone to submit to having a needle containing a foreign substance stuck into him, under pain of losing his livelihood? We have to try much harder to persuade, not force. It would help if we could see all the more clearly how those evil people on social media, and those evil preachermen, are doing so much harm. There may be a few thousand people who you'd like to see lose their jobs for refusing the vaccine. But there are tens of MILLIONS who are being persuaded, in effect, to put your whole country in danger by these charlatans. It's about time we all realised who the real enemy is. Sacking people who have been hoodwinked by those charlatans is nothing more than a perverted form of trumpism. Go after the social media idiots and the preachers. And shame on you if you connive in this by subscribing to Facebook.