The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10469   Message #4122544
Posted By: Felipa
10-Oct-21 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Ard Ti Chuain/Quiet Land of Erin
Subject: RE: Origins: Ardaigh Chuain/Quiet Land of Erin
I just looked up Ardicoan on and the official Irish spelling for the place is Ardaigh Chuain

see what Guest posted in 2014
The song "Áird a' Chumhaing" (one plausible spelling!) was first written down by Robert McAdam about 1830 from John McCambridge. These words were not published until 1940.
• Words for the song were first published in print by Eoin Mac Néill in 1895, from oral versions he obtained. He believed McCambridge was the author of the song, but I don't think the evidence supports this.

I have found in recent years that texts are no longer attributing the text to McCambridge. The thinking seems to be that it is more likely that McCambridge collected (and perhaps adapted)the lyrics rather than writing the original.